Licensed practical nursing provides an exciting opportunity to touch the lives of others and in turn, have your life transformed. Nursing is a special calling. It requires compassion, a genuine desire to help others, patience, organization, empathy, people skills, physical and emotional fortitude, and problem-solving skills. As an LPN, you’ll provide basic bedside care and attend to patients in many ways. Measuring and recording patients’ vital signs, feeding, bathing, and dressing, and administering injections are just some of the responsibilities. You’ll also give enemas, turn and position patients, dress wounds, monitor catheters, collect samples for testing, record fluid intake and output, monitor medical equipment, and supervise nurse aides.
Practical nurses employed in long-term care may be assigned a lot of administrative duties. In this setting, you may be required to collect patient information, such as health history and current health status, admit and discharge patients, and develop patient care plans. The information collected may be used for referrals and to complete insurance and pre-authorization forms. Like other members of the nursing team, LPNs counsel patients and their families. In this capacity, you’ll teach family members how to care for the discharged patients to aid full recovery and to maintain good health.
The profession of nursing is extremely rewarding, but it is also physically demanding. You’ll spend entire shifts on your feet, especially in short-staffed environments. Back injuries are not uncommon as nurses help to move, position, and turn patients. For all their commitment, nurses face constant hazards, including exposure to infections and diseases. Practical nursing programs help students understand the risks and provide measures whereby these risks may be minimized or completely avoided.
Georgia Piedmont Technical College
The Practical Nursing program at Georgia Piedmont Technical College students to deliver competent nursing care in hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care facilities. The curriculum covers academic and technical courses designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to competently care for patients. It will include clinical rotations that will reinforce the theoretical learning under the direction of an experienced instructor in a real-world setting. The program covers 57 credit hours. Course topics will include Fundamentals of English, Fundamentals of Maths, Basic Psychology, Structure and Function of the Human Body, Medical Terminology, Introduction to Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations, Nursing Fundamentals, Medical Surgical Nursing, Maternity Nursing, and Nursing Leadership. Students who complete the theory and clinical requirements will receive a Practical Nursing Diploma and will be eligible to sit for the NCLEX for licensure as a Practical Nurse. Applicants must meet the special admissions requirements to begin PNSG coursework. New students are admitted twice per year – in June for the Fall semester and September for the Spring semester. The class size is limited to 28 students per cycle.
Admission criteria:
- Submit a completed application online or in-person and the non-refundable application fee of $25
- Provide official high school transcript or GED scores
- Provide proof of college assessments – satisfactory Accuplacer, SAT, ACT or ASSET scores
- Provide proof of lawful presence in the United States – a current driver’s license or other photo ID and a social security card
- Attend a practical nursing information session
- Complete the five prerequisite courses with a grade C or better
- Take and pass the ATI TEAS with a minimum score of 64.3%
- Submit to a background check and drug screen
- Complete the health form including the physical exam requirements and immunizations
Tuition for a student who is a legal resident of the state of Georgia is $89 per semester credit hour. Other fees such as registration fee, student liability insurance, activity fee, technology fee, lab fee, and graduation fee will apply. Students will need to purchase textbooks, uniforms, shoes, and a nursing kit to participate in the program.
- Website: https://www.gptc.edu/programs/practical-nursing/
- Address: 16200 Alcovy Road, Covington, GA 30014
- Phone: (404) 297-9522
- NCLEX-PN Pass Rate: 98.61%
Chattahoochee Technical College
The practical nursing program at Chattahoochee Technical College includes theory and practical components to give students the skills to deliver safe and competent care. There is a strong emphasis on the practice of nursing, especially centered on the practical nursing role. Clinical experiences in an approved health care facility run concurrently with the nursing theory to provide the best environment for the development of clinical competency. Experienced instructors will also seek to support the development of critical thinking, communication techniques, technical skills, and sound judgment. Course topics include medical terminology for allied health sciences, nursing fundamentals, introduction to pharmacology and clinical calculations, medical surgical nursing, maternity nursing, and nursing leadership. The program requires completion of 57 credits. Upon completion of the classroom and practical requirements, students will receive a Practical Nursing Diploma and will be eligible to sit for the NCLEX for Practical Nurses. Candidates will receive licensure to practice as an LPN after successful passage of the exam. The duration of the program is three semesters for full-time students who have completed the prerequisite courses.
Admission criteria:
- Must be 17 years or older
- Meet all the admission requirements for entry into Chattahoochee Tech
- Apply for entry to the Health Care Assistant Certificate program to take the prerequisite courses
- Must have a CTC GPA of 2.0 or higher
- Complete the prerequisite courses with a grade C or higher – Composition and Rhetoric, College Algebra, Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab or Structure and Function of the Human Body, Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab, Medical Terminology
- Take and pass the ATI TEAS with a minimum total adjusted score of 60.00
- Attend a Practical Nursing Application Session and submit a program application
Tuition costs $89 per credit hour for resident students or a maximum of $1,335 per semester. The program is eligible for the HOPE Career Grant.
- Website: https://www.chattahoocheetech.edu/
- Address: 980 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, GA 30060
- Phone: 770-528-4545
- NCLEX-PN Pass Rate: 98.70%
West Georgia Technical College
The Practical Nursing diploma program at West Georgia Technical College prepares students to write the NCLEX-PN for licensure as practical nurses. Academic and occupational courses will cover key techniques that will enable students to provide competent care. An instructor-led clinical component will integrate the theory in a real-world setting. Course topics include Fundamentals of English, Foundations of Mathematics, Basic Psychology, Structure and Function of the Human Body, Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences, Introduction to Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations, Nursing Fundamentals, Medical Surgical Nursing, Maternity Nursing, and Nursing Leadership. Students must complete the coursework in the designated sequence and will be eligible to take the NCLEX-PN for state licensure upon completion. The Georgia Board of Nursing will determine applicants’ final eligibility to sit the exam. A person convicted of a felony or violation of federal or state controlled substance laws may be disqualified from licensure. The program has a competitive selection process. Interested persons must complete the pre-admission coursework for applying to the program. New students are admitted once a year in the fall semester.
Admission criteria:
- Submit a completed application with the non-refundable application fee of $25
- Submit official high school or GED transcript
- Submit an official transcript from any college or technical school previously attended
- Submit SAT, ACT, ACCUPLACER, ASSET, or COMPASS scores. Applicants who do not meet the minimum score requirement will need to take an ACCUPLACER placement test
- Submit a Competitive Selection File Review Request form to the admissions office by the application deadline
- Submit a completed application to the nursing program by the June 1 deadline
- Complete the prerequisite courses with a minimum grade C
- Complete the Kaplan Entrance Exam for Nursing and earn a minimum score of 57%
- Must hold current CPR Certification from the American Heart Association for Healthcare Providers. Certification must remain current throughout the program
- Complete Physical Examination and Health History at a licensed physician. The statement must indicate that the student is a satisfactory health
- Provide a copy of immunization records or titers – must include proof of two MMR and varicella, 2-step PPD or chest x-ray, hepatitis B, flu shots
- Complete a criminal background check and urine drug test
Tuition costs $100 per semester credit for resident students. Additional fees, such as student activity fee, graduation fee, technology fee, lab fee, and liability insurance will apply. Other expenses include textbooks, uniforms, transport to the clinical site, and nursing kit.
- Website: https://www.westgatech.edu/program-explorer/nursing/practical-nursing/
- Address: 176 Murphy Campus Blvd, Waco, GA 30182
- Phone: (770) 537-6000
- NCLEX-PN Pass Rate: 77.05%
Lanier Technical College
Students seeking admission to the Practical Nursing Program can begin core courses when admitted to the Healthcare Assistant Certificate. The courses must be taken in the designated sequence. Students must complete 57 credits in Fundamentals of English, Foundations of Mathematics, Basic Psychology, Structure and Function of the Human Body, Medical Terminology, Introduction to Pharmacology, Nursing Fundamentals, Medical Surgical Nursing, Maternity Nursing, and Nursing Leadership to graduate from the program. New students are admitted in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. The duration of the program is 12 months after admission to the program.
Admission criteria:
- Must be 18 years of age
- Must have a high school diploma or GED
- Submit a completed application to Lanier Technical College
- Take the prerequisite courses with a minimum grade C
- Take and pass the ATI TEAS with a minimum composite score of 60%
- Submit a completed application to the Healthcare Assistant Certificate and declare Practical Nursing as the intended course of study
- Fill out a Transfer Credit Request form – if seeking to receive transfer credit
- Must have American Heart Association CPR certification – BLS for Healthcare Providers
- Complete First Aid certification through American Heart or American Red Cross
Tuition costs $100 per credit hour for resident students. Additional fees include activity fees, registration fee, security fee, graduation fee, technology fee, activity fee, insurance fee, and program fee. The program is eligible for the Pell Grant. The cost of books, training materials, uniforms, and nursing equipment must be covered by the student.
- Website: https://www.laniertech.edu/programs/healthcare-nursing/practical-nursing/
- Address: 2535 Lanier Tech Drive, Gainesville, GA 30507
- Phone: 770-533-7000
- Fax: 770-531-6328
- NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 93.86%