LPN Programs Little Rock, AR

According to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing’s definition, practical nursing is “the performance for compensation of acts involving the care of the ill, injured or infirmed.” Licensed practical nurses in the state follow the established regulations for practice under the direction of a registered nurse, advanced practice nurse, licensed physician, or a licensed dentist. LPNs provide bedside care, collect specimens for testing, administer treatments and medications, measure vital signs, and observe patients for any adverse reactions to medications. While LPNs are actively involved in patient care, they cannot execute duties that require specialized skills, knowledge, and judgment. Training equips students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills to function effectively as an entry-level member of the health care team. Nursing graduates can work in a hospital, school, and community settings where they will manage patients with acute and chronic health care needs and promote health and wellness.

Baptist Health College

The practical nursing program at Baptist Health College is a two-semester program. New classes begin in January and July. Applicants must submit a completed application and required documentation by December 1 for January enrollment and June 15 for July enrollment. Other eligibility requirements for admission include a high school diploma or GED, official transcripts of all college classes, a minimum score of 17 and 16 on the ACT (not older than 10 years), and other documents that the school deems necessary. Before entering the second semester, students must complete nutrition and anatomy and physiology with lab. Other courses to complete the curriculum are medical terminology, fundamentals of nursing, health assessment, human body structure and function, mental health concepts, medical-surgical nursing, maternal child nursing, pediatrics, and geriatrics. Students attend classes four days a week and complete the certificate requirements in 12 months. Tuition is $11,700 including books, miscellaneous expenses, and professional fees.

Pulaski Technical College

Pulaski Technical College’s Practical Nursing Program is accredited by the Arkansas Board of Nursing. There are two track options for students to choose from: the Traditional Track begins in August and ends in June for a duration of 11 months and the Nontraditional Track begins in August and ends in June of the second year for a duration of 22 months. Prospective students must be 18 years old and possess a high school diploma or GED to apply to the school. A criminal background check and drug screen must be completed with satisfactory results before the school confirms official enrollment. Drug screenings may be issued at random throughout the program. A final determination of admission to the highly competitive program will be based on Kaplan test scores, medical certifications, and advanced coursework. All applications must be submitted by April 15 for the following fall semester. To complete the certificate requirements of 60 to 64 credits, students must complete development coursework, prerequisite courses, and the practical nursing courses, which include vocational, legal, and ethical concepts, pharmacology, basic nursing principles, nursing of geriatric client, nursing of children, nursing of mothers and infants, mental health nursing, and clinical nursing. Graduates are eligible to apply for the state licensure exam to become Licensed Practical Nurses.

  • Website: https://uaptc.edu/nursing
  • Address: 3000 West Scenic Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118
  • Phone: (501) 812-2286
  • Fax: (501) 812-2391
  • NCLEX-PN Pass Rate: 100%

Southeast Arkansas College

The interdisciplinary practical nursing program at Southeast Arkansas College provides a point of entry into the nursing profession. Registered Nurse instructors teach theoretical and practical skills for administering primary care under the direction of a senior staff. In the clinical component of the program, the clinical instructor will direct students’ actions as they administer care and collaborate with RNs, APNs, and physicians to improve patient outcomes. The Board accredited program receives continuous reviews to ensure the quality of education LPN students receives. Applicants must possess a high school diploma or GED, a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, and ACT score of 16 or COMPASS scores of 83, 74, and 21 for reading, writing, and math. Official college transcripts of completed courses and a passing score on the PAX-PN are some other requirements. Students must complete CNA certification before commencing the clinical practical. Upon acceptance, students must obtain current CPR certification, complete the Functional Ability Acknowledgment form, pass a TB skin test, and obtain Hepatitis B series. Applicants with current State of Arkansas Certification will receive direct articulated credit. Graduates are eligible to apply and take the NCLEX-PN for licensure as a practical nurse. Tuition for the 18-month program is $6,555 plus $1,800 for books and supplies.

  • Website: https://seark.edu/ 
  • Address: 1900 Hazel Street, Pine Bluff, AR 71603
  • Phone: (870) 543-5900
  • Fax: (870) 543-5912
  • NCLEX-PN Pass Rate: 90.0%

College of The Ouachitas

Applicants seeking entry of the Practical Nursing Program at COTO must take and pass the COMPASS test. Acceptable scores are 83 and above in Reading and 80 and above in Writing. Admissions personnel will combine the Reading and Writing scores and admit students with the highest scores until all available slots are filled. All accepted students must complete a state and national criminal background check. The program is open for enrollment in January and May each year and runs for 12 months. Combined didactic and clinical instruction prepare students for employment in the health care industry after successful passage of the state licensure exam for practical nurses. Over the duration of three semesters, students will complete 40 credit hours of instruction and clinical practice in the nursing process, pharmacology and dosage calculation, nutrition, health assessment, pediatrics, family nursing, and gerontology. The average cost of attendance is $9,867 including tuition, fees, books, and clinical supplies.

Arkansas State University-Beebe

Full-time students complete the practical nursing course at ASU in approximately 11 months while part-time (night and weekend) students complete the certificate requirements in 18 months. Full-time day classes meet Monday through Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. Part-time students meet Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nightly and on Saturdays from 8 am to 5 pm. Eligibility requirements include a high school diploma, ACT or COMPASS test scores, TEAS V test scores, proof of MMR vaccination, current tetanus, negative TB skin test, a criminal background check and drug clearance. Applicants must be 17 years or older upon entering the program. The course curriculum provides 46 credits (transferable to an ADN degree) and covers topics such as mental health, nursing of the geriatric patient, body structure, and function, basic nursing principles, pharmacology, nutrition in health and illness, basic nursing principles and clinical nursing. Graduates will be prepared for success on the NCLEX-PN. The cost of attendance is $5,104 for tuition and $1,570 for books and supplies.

National Park Community College

Enrollment for the practical nursing program at National Park Community College opens in January of each year. The deadline for submitting an application is the first Monday in March. Applicants must supply a completed application, official high school transcript or GED scores, official transcripts of college courses, entrance scores (ACT, SAT, COMPASS, etc.), three letters of reference, documentation of CNA, EMT, CMA, or Paramedic certification, TEAS scores, and verification of employment. Students must be 18 years old at the time of entry and successfully pass a background check and drug screen. The admission process is highly selective, and evaluators will use a ranking system to determine eligibility. Throughout the program, students must maintain a grade C or better to progress to the next course in the sequence. Mandatory 100 percent attendance is required for completing the fast paced curriculum and certificate requirements. At the conclusion of the 12-month full-time program, graduates will earn 41 credit hours and will be eligible to apply for the NCLEX-PN.

  • Website: https://np.edu/ 
  • Address: 101 College Drive, Hot Springs, AR 71913
  • Phone: (501) 760-4352
  • Fax: (501) 760-4183
  • NCLEX-PN Pass Rate: 95.1%

University of Arkansas Community College – Morrilton

Admission into the practical nursing program at UACCM is highly competitive. Students must fulfill several requirements before qualifying for enrollment. Students must provide a current TB assessment and clearance, a satisfactory criminal background check, and current CPR certification. A high school diploma or GED and passing scores on the entrance exam are also necessary. Classroom instruction includes basic nursing, geriatrics, human anatomy and physiology, maternal/child nursing, human anatomy and physiology, math for nurses, mental health, nutrition, and pharmacology. Upon successful completion of the course, graduates are eligible to apply for the NCLEX-PN. The total cost of attendance is $5,934 for tuition plus $3,466 for books and supplies.